Learn Digital Marketing & Graphic Designing Online & Offline
Digital Marketing TutorDigital Marketing TutorDigital Marketing Tutor
(Mon - Saturday)
JN Road, Abids, Hyderabad
Digital Marketing TutorDigital Marketing TutorDigital Marketing Tutor

About us

We’re a global stakeholder relations and partnership building consultancy.

A thorough professional with more than (17+ years of Graphic Designing and 5+ years of Digital Marketing) of diverse experience in the India & Middle East region. I, Abdul Sadeq Khan have a passion for Building Brands through Creative Advertising and Marketing Communications. I know how to generate revenues with innovative strategic brand positioning and planning market niches. I am quick to grasp new technologies and develop innovative and creative solutions to problems.

Having worked with Baadal Advertising Agency one of the biggest Advertising Agencies in Telangana (India), My career started with such a big agency is a very good experience of its kind.

Working with Merlin Digital (Dubai) made me more confident in taking up new challenges. I have been involved in marketing campaigns ranging from new product and showroom launches to below-the-line, and above-the-line advertising, marketing communications, internal newsletters, and coordination with the agency, product management, sales team, and principal.

​Worked two careers biggest project Virtual Reality app (UAE VR and Sharjah VR), UAE VR Mobile Application Development front-end (Concept, Storyboard, Graphics, Photoshoot, Stitching, Special Effects)

Call to ask any question 92460 46596

Abdul Sadeq Khan

Digital Marketing Specialist & Professtional Graphic Designer
Digital Marketing Tutor, Online Digital Marketing Course, Learn Digital Marketing Online and Offline, Abdul Sadeq Khan,
Graphic Designing
Website Development (WordPress)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Social Media Marketing
Email Marketing
Inbound Marketing
Want to join the course? Enroll yourself for the course

We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.

We bring more than 16 years’ senior experience in forging collaborations across the private sector and international companies.

Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.

“It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.” — Carlton Fisk


Aug 2002

Diploma in Computer Hardware

June 2005

Diploma in Multimedia

Oct 2006

Civil Draughtsmanship

June 2016

Best Award for VR Application Frontend & Backend Support.

Nov 2017 - Jan 2018

PandayG (Grarri Private Limited) Worked as a Graphic Designer (Part Time)

May 2018 - Till Date

ArtnDesign Advertisers
Digital Marketing Specialist

Jan 2001

Diploma in Typewriting (Lower Grade)

Oct 2002

Master of Diploma in Software Engineering

Jan, 2006 - Feb 2011

Baadal Advertising Agency
Worked as a Graphic Designer

April 2011 - July 2017

Merlin Digital (Dubai)
Worked as a Senior Graphic Designer

Sep 2017

Advanced Diploma in Digital Marketing

Feb 2018 - Apr 2018

ITInfo Group
Internship Digital Marketing Executive

July 2021 - Till Date

Advanced Skills Development Center
Faculty for Digital Marketing & Graphics

We have many reviews from our satisfied clients
& colleagues.